

About this project

In the early stages of my career, I leveraged Frontend Mentor which was very helpful in building me up.

This project involved building a static reponsive clone of a UI and plugging it to an API endpoint that helps shorten long url links. I cannot say for certain if the API ENDPOINT still returns a response as at the point you are reading this.

You can check out the project instructions here.

Last updated on the 19th of February, 2020.

Role in Project

  • Front End Developer

My Responsibilities & Features I Implemented

  • Converted mockup into web page
  • Connected form to endpoint (Like I mentioned above, not certain if the API still works currently 😅)

Technical Sheet

Some noteworthy technologies I got involved with while working on this project:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Vanilla Javascript
  • Github Pages

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