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About this project

Ozidi, which later became Agricpay, was a promising startup which had a vision to help small scale farmers in "Nigeria" get access to loans. It is no news that in order for a business owner to apply for a loan from banks and other loan agencies, the owner must have collateral to use, in case the owner will not be able to pay the loan. Unfortunately, most small scale farmers do not have any collateral to give, hence the need for Agricpay to be built.

Agricpay aimed at solving this problem, by inculcating in the farmers mindset, the habit of saving. Using this approach meant, in the long run the farmer will be borrowing his/her own money.

I worked as the "main" frontend developer responsible for the entire ui/ux as well as about 80% of the entire frontend , together with Joseph Godwin (full stack developer) and Adetunji Oluwaferanmi (full stack developer), at the Enye Cohort 4 internship. We set out to build a fully functional dashboard to help with Agricpay's vision.

Some of the features included:

  • Admin authentication.
  • Ability to generate recharge card numbers. (i.e Farmers save by buying reacharge cards).
  • History of all recharge cards generated.
  • Farmers data.

Unfortunately, not all startups reach the "promise land", irrespective of a solid technology, because there are more things asides the tech involved in the success of a business. So the live links are currently down. However for curiousity sake, visit Twitter or Instagram

Project span: July 2020 - September 2020.

Roles in Project

  • UI/UX Designer
  • Front End Developer

My Responsibilities & Features I Implemented

  • Created entire app UI/UX using Figma.
  • Converted about 80% of the design into functional responsive web app pages.
  • Connected pages to their respective backend endpoints.
  • Used Wordpress to create a static publicly accessible web page for the company.

Technical Sheet

Some noteworthy technologies I got involved with while working on this project:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React.js
  • Redux
  • Vanilla Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Material UI
  • GraphQL
  • Aplloclient
  • Enzyme
  • Jest

Would love to hear from
you ↓.

I am currently interested in a “Full-time Front-end developer role (remote)“ with a major on “React.js Framework“, but still open to other opportunities. However, if you have other requests or questions, don’t hesitate to use the form.

© 2023 David Obodo

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