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About this project

Social media platform for gamers. Having all the social media features you know and love, but streamlining it for the lovely community of gamers

Visit Gamespeak beta version now to enjoy all the awesome features

Role in Project

  • Front End Developer

My Responsibilities & Features I Implemented

  • Converted over 20+ UI/UX designs into fully responsive (desktop, laptop, tablets), browser compatible web application pages
  • Connected over 70+ Restful APIs in order to make the application dynamic
  • Hooked up websocket connection, for realtime updates for messages and notifications
  • Created dark mode for all pages in the application
  • Added Progressive Web Application feature to the application
  • Wrote 50+ Unit and Integration tests to achieve over 80% coverage of the application using Jest and React Testing Library
  • Used effective caching strategies to improve performance of the application by 50%, due to reduction in frequency of API calls to the backend
  • Structured and architected the entire frontend codebase with over 1260+ files for maximum scalability and maintainability

Technical Sheet

Some noteworthy technologies I got involved with while working on this project:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Vanilla Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Next.js
  • Recoil
  • React Query
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library
  • Chakra UI
  • Git

Would love to hear from
you ↓.

I am currently interested in a “Full-time Front-end developer role (remote)“ with a major on “React.js Framework“, but still open to other opportunities. However, if you have other requests or questions, don’t hesitate to use the form.

© 2023 David Obodo

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