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How to cancel an http/https request”

Jun 18, 2022 | 3 min read

Recently had the need to cancel an http request and after googling a bit I did get the solution I needed. However, ...

  • #programming
  • #http
  • #https
  • #ajax
  • #javascript
  • #cancel
Journey to “portfolio version 3”

May 27, 2022 | 4 min read

I have always known that documenting has a great impact. Ranging from documenting our sorrowful moments, happy moments, sad moments, joyful moments, and Im...

  • #consistency
  • #determination
  • #goal
My thoughts on curbing a horrible boss

Mar 28, 2022 | 2 min read

Everyones talking about horrible bosses and their experience with them. I have had my own share of a horrible...

  • #workPlace
  • #lifeHack
Why did it End?

Aug 3, 2020 | 2 min read

How does true love feel? How do butterflies in our stomach dance on seeing a soul?...

  • #life
  • #beingHuman
  • #love

May 29, 2020 | 2 min read

There lived a skilled carpenter named Evan Isaac, since time memorial there was nothing anyone asked him to make that he wasn’t capable of making...

  • #programming
How my Dev Journey started

Nov 15, 2019 | 3 min read

Hello! So I was thinking, what should be the central topic for my first medium article? I can say that with the exposure I have gotten recently, a lot really crossed my mind...

  • #programming

Would love to hear from
you ↓.

I am currently interested in a “Full-time Front-end developer role (remote)“ with a major on “React.js Framework“, but still open to other opportunities. However, if you have other requests or questions, don’t hesitate to use the form.

© 2023 David Obodo

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